Is cancer in Liver Curable?

Liver is among the most important parts of the body that is required to perform important biological functions of the body.  There are various functions that the liver performs in order to maintain the proper functioning of the body. The major function of the liver is to produce or excrete bile which helps in digestion of fat.  Further, it activates enzymes, stores minerals and vitamins, metabolizes fat, protein and carbohydrates. It also helps in excretion of bilirubin, hormones, drug and cholesterol; all these are among the basic functions of the liver. Furthermore, the liver also helps in synthesizing albumin which is a plasma protein that helps in clotting of blood. Any damage in the liver or condition such as a tumor or cancer causes disruption in the biological process which can affect the entire function of the body.

In case of liver cancer it can be classified into two types: benign or malignant. The benign form of liver cancer is still not dangerous as it does not spread to the entire body whereas the malignant cancer cell spreads at a very fast rate damaging the other organs as well. Liver cancer further can be classified into primary liver cancer that begins in the tissue of the liver. It is also known as hepatocellular carcinoma which is also a very common form of liver cancer. The other form is known as a secondary liver cancer which is also known as metastatic liver cancer and in this type; the cancer spreads to the other parts of the body and reaches to the liver causing the liver cancer. This type of cancer is quite dangerous since it has already been spread to a greater extent and healing such a type of cancer requires a lot of medication and series of several treatments that is recommended by the liver cancer specialist in Jaipur after looking at the condition of the patient.


In the beginning of the liver cancer there are no visible symptoms at all but as the cancer spread and reaches in advanced stages, one might experience a lot of symptoms that depends upon person to person and some of the symptoms  that a person experience include:

  • Jaundice (skin and eyes turn yellow)
  • Fatigue
  • Dark colored urine
  • Bloating
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Pain near the right shoulder
  • Lump below the Rib cage
  • Excruciating pain in the right side of the abdomen
  • White and chalky stool
  • Tendency of bruising and bleeding easily
  • Fever
  • Weakness


 Liver cancer is absolutely curable and any chances of recovering depends upon several things such as the health of the patient, the condition of the liver, the function of the liver, and how the liver is able to perform, the state of the cancer and the levels of Alpha fetoprotein present.

There are several treatment methods that might be used for treating liver cancer some of the methods include surgery, loco-regional therapy, drug therapy, liver transplant, chemotherapy, ablation therapy etc

Surgical treatment: Surgical treatments can be classified into partial hepatectomy in which a part of the liver is removed that might range nearly like a small wedge to nearly the size of a lobe. Other surgical treatment includes Total hepatectomy or liver transplant which means removal of the entire liver by replacing it with a donor organ. But getting a matching donor is a very tedious job since it requires testing it for compatibility with the recipient body as well.

Ablation therapy: The tumor of the liver is destroyed without taking it out and it can be done through cryoablation, microwave ablation, radiofrequency or ethanol ablation.

Chemotherapy: In this, chemicals or drugs are used in order to kill the cancerous cell by damaging their DNA, this process takes a little time and its rate of effectiveness depends upon person to person. Bhagwan Mahaveer cancer hospital and research center is among the best cancer surgery hospitals in Jaipur. We have some of the best oncologistswho are specialized in their respective fields that provide the best liver cancer treatment in Udaipur and entire Jaipur.  For any query related to liver cancer contact Bhagwan Mahaveer cancer hospital and research center for expert assistance.

Different types of brain cancer and their complications

There are over 120 different types of brain tumor that exists worldwide. Some of the brain tumors are less dangerous and can be treated with medication and rehabilitation, whereas some require a series of different treatments depending upon their severity. Majorly, there are two types of brain tumors primary and secondary. Primary brain tumor begins in the brain and is confined in the brain only and doesn’t spread to the rest of the body. On the other hand, secondary brain tumors start in other parts of the body such as the spinal cord, lungs, breast, kidney, colon, skin, or blood and then spread to the brain. Secondary or malignant brain tumors are generally dangerous and life-threatening and difficult to treat than primary brain tumors. As primary brain tumors are confined to a place it is easy to remove them and easy to treat as well.  


  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Back pain
  • Memory impairment
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Poor neurological control
  • Seizures
  • Problem in vision
  • The problem in body balance
  • Confusion and inability to concentrate

Types of brain cancer

Brainstem gliomas: It is of two types and majorly occurs in children. Focal gliomas grow slowly and are mostly benign and noncancerous which makes them easy to treat. On the other hand, Diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPG) is fast-growing cancer that spreads to the surrounding cells which makes it difficult to treat. The doctor usually uses surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy to treat it.

Medulloblastomas: Medulloblastomas usually form in the cerebellum and cancer in this case grows faster and spreads through the entire CSN through cerebrospinal fluid. It is found in children, the symptoms usually include poor motor control and poor cognitive growth. Children suffering from this have problems in performing basic daily activities such as walking or holding things. 

Oligodendrogliomas: Oligodendrogliomas usually develops in the white matter of the brain that plays an integral role in communication between the spinal cord and the brain. The tumors grow in the cortex or any part of the central nervous system.  People suffering from Oligodendrogliomas experience symptoms such as headaches, seizures, difficulty in thinking, poor motor control.

Glioblastoma multiforme: It is a grade 4 type of astrocytomas which an aggressive form of cancer that spread very fast. It is prevalent in men between the ages of 50-70 years of age. People suffering from this disease suffer from loss of appetite, blurred vision, headaches, seizures, and terrible mood swings.

Astrocytomas: In this, the tumor originates in the cerebrum. It is found in 4 stages based on the order of their severity stage four is the most dangerous and life-threatening stage of cancer. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is one of the most common types of cancer which is a part of astrocytomas. Bhagwan Mahaveer cancer hospital and research center have is among the best neuro cancer hospitals in Jaipur. We have some of the best cancer doctors in Jaipur who are specialized in their respective fields and provide the best cancer treatment in Jaipur.  For any query related to brain cancer contact Bhagwan Mahaveer cancer hospital and research center for expert assistance.

Different types of liver cancer and its treatment

Liver cancer is more prevalent than one might think. In this, the liver cells become cancerous which means that the cell cycle gets disturbed and the cells no longer know when to stop dividing. As a result, the cells keep on dividing. In some cases, liver cancer doesn’t originate in the liver and spreads from other organs such as the stomach or lungs to the liver; in such cases, it s called metastatic liver cancer. Liver is an important organ that is responsible for detoxification from toxic chemicals and drugs, digestion of fats and proteins, and filtration of blood from digestive tracts before it reaches the body. People with alcohol addiction and drug addiction are at a greater risk of having liver cancer. Further, lifestyle habits and genetic mutations are also responsible for liver cancer among people.


  • Jaundice
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting (blood in vomit)
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Loss of appetites

Different types of cancer

Liver cancer can be basically categorized into two primary liver cancer and secondary liver cancer. The primary liver cancer originates from the liver; it may start as a lump or a tumor. Whereas secondary liver cancer begins to grow at other sites such as the stomach, breast or lungs and spreads to the liver is called secondary liver cancer.

Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)

Hepatocellular Carcinoma or Hepatoma is one of the most common types of liver cancer that accounts for over 75 percent of all types of liver cancer. It occurs mostly due to excessive alcohol use that damages the liver internally. In this, Hepatocyces or liver cells become cancerous and it becomes dangerous as it spreads to other parts of the body such as the stomach, small intestine, or pancreas.


Cholangiocarcinoma is a called bile duct cancer that develops in the tube of the bile duct attached to the liver. The duct carries the digestive juice, bile to the gall bladder for digestion. It is also known as intrahepatic bile duct cancer as cancer begins in the duct. It accounts for 10-15 % of liver cancer.


Hepatoblastoma is a rare type of cancer that is found especially in children under the age of 3 years. When detected early, it can be treated with a success rate of almost 90 percent. Chemotherapy and surgery are the most promising method of treatment in such cases.

Liver Angiosarcoma

It is a very rare type of cancer that originates in the blood vessels of the liver. This type of cancer is diagnosed in advanced stages as it spreads very quickly and doesn’t show any symptoms till the later stages.


Treatment in liver cancer depends upon the patient and the severity of their condition.  In some cases, a variety of treatments are combined in order to treat cancer completely.


In some cases, some part of the liver is removed which is called hepatectomy. It is done in the case where the cancer is in the first part provided the rest of the liver is functioning properly. Liver transplantation is another surgical procedure that is done in cases where there is no other option is left. The entire procedure has a lot of requirements and the process in itself is very consuming. For instance, an appropriate donor is required and the body rejects or accepts the new liver is also very important. The best cancer hospitals in Udaipur firstly diagnose the patient thoroughly and then make a treatment plan according to the needs of the patient.


In this certain chemicals or combinations of chemicals are used intravenously in order to kill the cancerous cells. It is quite an effective treatment for cancer but its side effects depend upon person to person.


It involves heat therapy or ethanol injections in order to destroy cancerous cells while using local anesthesia so that the patient doesn’t feel the pain as much.

Radiation therapy

It uses high-energy radiation beams that kill cancerous cells. The beams destroy the cancerous hepatic artery that supplies blood to the liver. When the blood supply to the cancerous blood vessels stops, other vessels get the nutrition and recovery takes place at a faster rate. Bhagwan Mahaveer cancer hospital and research center have one of the best cancer hospitals in Jaipur. We have a team of specialized liver and bladder cancer doctors in Jaipur who are always available in case of any emergency or query.

What All Women Should Know About Gynecological Cancer

In the last decade, the healthcare sector has witnessed a concerning trend of rising cancer cases in the Indian population, especially in women. after cardiovascular diseases. According to a study by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, India witnessed an estimated 2.25 million cancer cases between 2014 and 2018. But in 2018 alone, the number of new cancer cases rose up to 11.57 lakhs in India. While this cancer burden continues to see an increase, a new dismaying trend has been witnessed, which is the disease’s impact on women. According to recent studies, cancer is affectingwomen more severely than men in the country. Nearly 100,000 women are diagnosed with gynaecological cancers in the country each year. Hence, Every woman should become aware of these malignancies because every one of them is at risk. Read on to know more about gynaecological cancers that are common in women and Gynecology Oncology Treatment in Jaipur.

What is gynaecological cancer?

Cancer is a group of diseases that occur when normal cells within the body grow abnormally and form a lump called a malignant tumour. These tumours can also spread into nearby tissues or other parts. Hence, they can negatively alter the body systems or release hormones that may hinder body function. These cancers and tumours are usually classified into various types based on the origin, location and cells they have affected. So when cancer occurs in a woman’s reproductive organs, it is described as gynaecological cancer by the best oncology doctor in Jaipur. There are three main types of gynaecological cancer that affect a woman’s reproductive organs. These cancers are cervical, ovarian, and uterine cancer, which account for 47.2% of all cancers in women.

Each gynaecological cancer is unique yet similar to others in some manner. Some of them cause signs and symptoms similar to others but have different risk factors and prevention strategies. Nearly every woman is at risk for gynecologic cancers at some point in their life, which only increases with age. But with early detection and prevention, these gynaecological cancers are highly curable. Hence, it is vital to know more about these malignancies so you can recognize their warning signs and go for cancer screenings in time. It will not only decrease the mortality rate but also improve the quality of life after oncology treatment in Jaipur.

Here is the list of the common gynaecological cancer that Indian women need to be aware of:

Cervical Cancer:

It occurs when the cells of the cervix, the lower, narrow end of the uterus, start proliferating and form a malignant tumour. It’s the second most common cancer after breast cancer and accounts for nearly 23% of all cancer cases in Indian women. It can be caused by a sexually transmitted infection, also known as HPV. Luckily, it has a standard screening test, the Pap smear, which requires a sample of cells from the cervix. While it does not show any symptoms in its early stages, visible symptoms like vaginal discharge, painful intercourse and vaginal bleeding start occurring with the advancement of cancer. It’s also easily preventable than other cancers as it only requires you to use protection and refrain from having intercourse with multiple partners.

Uterine cancer:

It occurs in the endometrial cells of the uterus lining, part of which is shed during a woman’s menstrual cycle. It usually occurs around menopause or in women over the age of 55. However, younger women over the age of 35 who have problems with the menstrual cycle are also at risk. Its symptoms are similar to cervical cancer and include abnormal bleeding or discharge, painful urination, pelvic pain, or painful intercourse. Unfortunately, there is no screening test for uterine cancer, but it’s highly curable in its initial stages. Hence, it’s crucial for women over 40 years to go for annual cancer screening.

Ovarian cancer

The seventh most common cancer in women is also the most lethal gynecologic cancer. It occurs in the tissue of the ovaries that produce eggs and secrete female hormones. It usually gets diagnosed in the advanced stages due to its non-specific symptoms. These symptoms include abdominal pain, feeling full after eating, and abdominal swelling. Unfortunately, there is no screening test to detect ovarian cancer. Hence, doctors need to physically examine the reproductive organs and order ultrasound, blood tests, biopsy, or a CT scan to diagnose the disease. The common risk factors for ovarian cancer include a history of cancers and hormone replacement therapy or infertility, and late-onset menopause.

With the increasing incidence of cancer in women, it is imperative to educate yourself about the risks of gynaecological cancers, especially ovarian cancer. So if you have any questions or symptoms that concern you, contact us to schedule an appointment.

Guide to Lymphoma and Haematology Oncology Treatment

While blood cancers are a significant threat to the Indian population, their increasing cases have also become a pressing concern for public health administrators in India. These cancers affect more than 70,000 men and women in India annually, coming 3rd behind the US and China. Unfortunately, the mortality rate is higher in blood cancer cases. The main causes behind this growing threat of blood cancer are the lack of awareness about these diseases.

But in the past decade, we have gained more knowledge and expertise in understanding and treating even the rare type of blood cancer like lymphoma. However, we also have to know about the necessary measures taken in the early stages of haematology oncology treatment in Jaipur. Read on to learn more about lymphoma, one of the common blood cancers and its treatment.

What is lymphoma?

Lymphoma accounts for about 54 percent of blood cancers cases in a year. It’s a common type of blood cancer that affects white blood cells known as lymphocytes cells. These cells are an integral part of our immune system and constitute a network of lymphatic vessels that help fight infections and eradicate antigens.

Lymphoma causes uncontrolled growth of these non-functional white blood cells, which soon outnumbers healthy white blood cells. The abnormal amount of lymphocytes may result in a swollen lymph node and more vulnerability to infections and diseases. In most cases, lymphoma grows slowly but they can become fatal without timely intervention and require immediate treatment at one of the top cancer hospitals in Jaipur.

These cancers are highly aggressive and metastasize throughout the patient’s body. Although it can affect people of any age group, the risks are significantly higher for children between the age of 15 to 24. However, they’re not one disease but a group of haematological malignancies that affect the lymphatic system. Broadly, there are two types of lymphoma that are classified based on their location, affected area and growth rate. These types are:

  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: It is the most common type of lymphoma that affects the B and T lymphocytes present in the lymph nodes and tissues.
  • Hodgkin’s lymphoma – It usually occurs in a type of B cell found within the bone marrow. It can be identified by the abnormal presence of B cells and is one of the most curable forms of cancer.

What are the symptoms of lymphoma?

Lymphoma doesn’t cause any symptoms during its early stages. But as cancer grows, various symptoms may start appearing. However, these symptoms are vague and often similar to viral infection and other diseases. Common symptoms of lymphoma that you need to look out for include:

Enlarged Lymph Nodes: The most common symptom of lymphoma is swollen lymph nodes, usually near the neck and armpit or groin. However, they can also appear near the chest or abdomen.

Fever & infections: Due to the excess amount of no-functional white blood cells, most lymphoma patients experience persistent and infections. They may also experience:

  • Night sweats and chills
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Weakness and fatigue

If your lymphoma spreads and affects other parts of the body, you may experience cough, breathing problems or swelling and pain in the stomach. It can also affect your central nervous system and cause nausea, vomiting or seizures. With these broad symptoms, recognizing lymphoma is a challenging task. Hence, if you experience any of these symptoms, schedule a consultation with the best oncology doctor in Jaipur.

What are the treatment options for lymphoma?

Lymphoma is highly curable, especially in its early stages. But its outcome depends on various factors, including the patient age and health, cancer stage and type (slow or aggressive) and other health parameters. The goal of lymphoma treatment is to destroy as many cancer cells as possible and induce complete remission.

Therefore, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are the primary forms of treatment for lymphoma. In advanced cancer cases, your doctor might also recommend a stem cell transplant along with a combination of high drug dose chemotherapy to improve outcomes and reduce side effects.

While lymphoma has one of the highest cure rates (80-90%), It’s only possible through timely intervention. Hence, always remember to act quickly when it comes to this blood cancer and consult the experts to get the best haematology oncology treatment in Jaipur.

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