Is cancer in Liver Curable?

Liver is among the most important parts of the body that is required to perform important biological functions of the body.  There are various functions that the liver performs in order to maintain the proper functioning of the body. The major function of the liver is to produce or excrete bile which helps in digestion of fat.  Further, it activates enzymes, stores minerals and vitamins, metabolizes fat, protein and carbohydrates. It also helps in excretion of bilirubin, hormones, drug and cholesterol; all these are among the basic functions of the liver. Furthermore, the liver also helps in synthesizing albumin which is a plasma protein that helps in clotting of blood. Any damage in the liver or condition such as a tumor or cancer causes disruption in the biological process which can affect the entire function of the body.

In case of liver cancer it can be classified into two types: benign or malignant. The benign form of liver cancer is still not dangerous as it does not spread to the entire body whereas the malignant cancer cell spreads at a very fast rate damaging the other organs as well. Liver cancer further can be classified into primary liver cancer that begins in the tissue of the liver. It is also known as hepatocellular carcinoma which is also a very common form of liver cancer. The other form is known as a secondary liver cancer which is also known as metastatic liver cancer and in this type; the cancer spreads to the other parts of the body and reaches to the liver causing the liver cancer. This type of cancer is quite dangerous since it has already been spread to a greater extent and healing such a type of cancer requires a lot of medication and series of several treatments that is recommended by the liver cancer specialist in Jaipur after looking at the condition of the patient.


In the beginning of the liver cancer there are no visible symptoms at all but as the cancer spread and reaches in advanced stages, one might experience a lot of symptoms that depends upon person to person and some of the symptoms  that a person experience include:

  • Jaundice (skin and eyes turn yellow)
  • Fatigue
  • Dark colored urine
  • Bloating
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Pain near the right shoulder
  • Lump below the Rib cage
  • Excruciating pain in the right side of the abdomen
  • White and chalky stool
  • Tendency of bruising and bleeding easily
  • Fever
  • Weakness


 Liver cancer is absolutely curable and any chances of recovering depends upon several things such as the health of the patient, the condition of the liver, the function of the liver, and how the liver is able to perform, the state of the cancer and the levels of Alpha fetoprotein present.

There are several treatment methods that might be used for treating liver cancer some of the methods include surgery, loco-regional therapy, drug therapy, liver transplant, chemotherapy, ablation therapy etc

Surgical treatment: Surgical treatments can be classified into partial hepatectomy in which a part of the liver is removed that might range nearly like a small wedge to nearly the size of a lobe. Other surgical treatment includes Total hepatectomy or liver transplant which means removal of the entire liver by replacing it with a donor organ. But getting a matching donor is a very tedious job since it requires testing it for compatibility with the recipient body as well.

Ablation therapy: The tumor of the liver is destroyed without taking it out and it can be done through cryoablation, microwave ablation, radiofrequency or ethanol ablation.

Chemotherapy: In this, chemicals or drugs are used in order to kill the cancerous cell by damaging their DNA, this process takes a little time and its rate of effectiveness depends upon person to person. Bhagwan Mahaveer cancer hospital and research center is among the best cancer surgery hospitals in Jaipur. We have some of the best oncologistswho are specialized in their respective fields that provide the best liver cancer treatment in Udaipur and entire Jaipur.  For any query related to liver cancer contact Bhagwan Mahaveer cancer hospital and research center for expert assistance.

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